Wednesday, June 18, 2014

~A Part of You~

I can never get enough of you    
I will take a part of you
A little of your smile
That consumed me
A little of those drenched eyes
That thundered like the dark clouds
Which, would never rain

I can never get enough of you
I will take a part of you
A little of your passion
That gave wings to my unspoken desires
A little of your silence
That silences the calm in me

I can never get enough of you
I will take a part of you
A little right of you
A little wrong of me
Till a point where,
It didn’t matter anymore. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

~Khaksar Manzil~

Once Elevated gates,
Drooping now,
Disappointment gravitates,
Unhouses longings.

Once a spirited hallway,
Now mentions its bare-bricks,
As their dressings strip.

The central cornice,
Clasping the ornate mirror,
Beheld all beauty.
Now a dead slab,
With sobbing secrets.

The Dinner table,
Bustled at breakfast,
Now taken away,
For it would last,
Longer than the wobbly chairs.

An elaborate open kitchen,
Barbequed in the backyard.
Now imprisons charred mittens,
And an odd life in a climber
Lined with pink flowers,
Chirpy Creepers confide,
In the little boulevard.