Wednesday, February 18, 2015

At dawn

Wide awake at dawn 
lying on the floor.

Teary eyed I stare 
outside the window.

The giant Neem,
bellowed up the silent clouds.

Dark and mysterious 
Into the never ending nothingness.

The leafy green almost struggles.
I can feel it ruffle my unkempt head.

I wish it whisks me away 
as it resettles
Into the never ending nothingness.

The bitter sweet
Never ending nothingness

Friday, February 13, 2015


You were falling from the top of a nowhere. 

Screaming at the dark to break, 
Almost without a voice. 

Your eyes clenched, 
and released the dark,
at the same time.

Chasing a no name and running away from it.
At the same time. 

You felt it was your last.
The fear of loss exhausted your breath.

But right before the final thud 
You were pulled by a tiny hope.

You mustered all your strength 
And opened your eyes.

That feeling of immense relief,
A sigh and it was just a long scary dream. 

Your mother was by the bedside
Her presence calmed you

Little will you ever know
Of her fears and sores 

Her endless wakeful nights
Since forever

Yet she always smiled.
More and more. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


The secret layers of the wall
Were coated with that beautiful moss
But then, it was just that, simple.
It was green but you wanted flowers