Monday, July 25, 2016

Dispossessed Deonar Dreams

I broke a million mirrors
Into a million shards
Watched them go up in smoke
Making a lazy trail
With abandoned realities
Of my hunger

A hundred years of 
Listing out children
Dead from disease
Has not been enough
For my molten dreams
Mixed with unsettled ashes

A hundred years spent
In measuring distance 
From the city of dreams
That pushes me away 
Towards a killing spree 
Of dim departures 

On some days 
I hope against hope
When I see people with colorful cameras 
Gaudy gadgets and a ruthless census
That buys me few minutes of prime time
On other days
The mellow fruitlessness 
Of their passing passions bedazzles me

After a mewling monsoon 
Life sprouts in deception
Lush green meadow covers my muck and methane
As grazing cows revel in rain 
And a boy yearns to walk over me

Looking to break a million mirrors 
Into a million shards 
For his deathless dreams

The boy is you
And the boy is me
I am the Deonar Dumping Ground
I dream 
I dream too often
Of a deathless me

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